XEphem 3.7.7

Welcome to the download area for the commercial version of XEphem 3.7.7. The three large tar files are the contents of three CDs. You definitely want disk1, others depend on your interests, bandwidth and patience.

Note if you have any prior release within the 3.7.* series you don't need disk2 or disk3 again, they have not changed since 3.7 was released in 2005. Disk1 includes all stars down to magnitude 15 which is about everything you can see visually in a 14 inch telescope; disks 2 and 3 extend this to about magnitude 18.5 so these are mainly for those using much larger telescopes or who perform deep sky photography.

To download a file, right-click then "Save as..." in a convenient folder. If you have trouble installing any of the files, compare its md5 checksum and download again until yours matches, then try installing again.

File name Bytes Purpose MD5 checksum
XEphem-3.7.7-disk1.tar.gz 499485723 Main program, GSC 1.2, all supporting files, source code 89ee3845c873b67c4498d133130a658b
XEphem-3.7-disk2.tar.gz 595,695,150 Hubble GSC northern hemisphere 82910c000487b3c6354314877561a234
XEphem-3.7-disk3.tar.gz 573,425,880 Hubble GSC southern hemisphere 3f15a4b345f99c3e11d60d5e65e2d2b6

Specific instructions for each class of UNIX system:

See the README in the disk1 image for more information. Also check the FAQ for any last minute instructions at xephem.com.

If you have any questions, please contact xephem@clearskyinstitute.com.

Thank you for your patronage.

Elwood Downey
President, Clear Sky Institute Inc.